Significance of Bending Test Fixtures

 Flexural goods are examined  by testing a material using a 3 or 4 point bend fixture. These bend fixtures  have 2  support spans and one or two loading nose points on top. Most three point  SSAT flex tests require that the third loading point be centered on the sample.4 point tests  require that the 2 top loading points bisect the sample into thirds or fourths.


3 point Bend Fixtures

Three point Bending Test Fixtures use center loading to bend  the sample. The 3rd point bending text  is connected directly to the top arm of the universal testing machine by use of a clevis pin adapter.  The bottom two pillars are adjustable and can integrate  samples of different length.  The coextensive  gear start  custom bend fixture is a nice solution if you are changing between multiple specimen sizes.


4 Points Bend Fixtures

Four point flexural  Bending Test Fixtures have two base supports and two top loading points, where the load contact points are on the sample. The first type splits the sample into three parts. The second test divides the sample into four parts.


Bending Test Fixtures

Support Span and Loading Noses

The space  of the contact points is important and this measurement is usually specified in the relevant MTI test overview. The standard radius  tends to be 5mm. The bottom spans on maximum jigs are  amendable, so they actually have two usable radii. 


Adjustable and Interchangeable Rollers:

Interchangeable Rollers permit  the bend fixture to have much more utility in terms of the contact radius. Small rubber O-rings are used to fix   the roller into place.


Bending Test Fixtures

Anti- Roll Technology

The medium and larger size bend fixtures can be furnished  with an anti-roll retaining bar which stops the sample from rolling or buckling during compression. 


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